CIT 101: immediate past Questions & Answer


 CIT 101: immediate past Questions & Answer

*Rom stand for
Answer Read only Memory

*Keyboard is an
Answer: Input device

*What is a directory
Answer: Folder

*What is pc
Answer: Low-cost computer usually desktop

*Full meaning of CPU is
Answer: Central processing unit

*What is the full meaning of GUI
Answer: Graphical user

*Terminal is an
Answer: Input/output device

*What do we call omputer computer program used on a computer
Answer: Software

*What is a program
Answer: A set of instructions that tells the computer what to do

*A small picture that represents either a program or a shortcut is
Answer: An icon

*What is a mouse used for
Answer: To execute program

*What is a operating system
Answer: The software responsible for controlling the allocation and usage of hardware resources

*What is a computer
Answer: An electronic machine that can process and store data

*Fortran is a
Answer: High level language

*What do you understand by booting
Answer: Switching on the system

*What is a window
Answer: An rectangle box that contains icon or data information

Answer: Cannot think


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