English GST101: immediate past Questions & Answer

English GST: immediate past question & Answer

*Choose the options that give the meaning of the Capitalized word: The praying child is said to equally CLAIRVOYANT

*Reading at the fastest speed is needed when you want to
Answer:Locate information quickly

*In oder to read for ---you must be able to decide how relevant the information provided is
Answer: Critical analysis and evaluation

*Reading at an average speed suggest
Answer :Reading a material that is not so difficult

*Which of the following skill is important when you are doing study reading
Answer: Note making

*The needs high concentration and particular attention to specific details
Answer: Study reading speed

*Complete the slogan A critical mind is
Answer: An intelligent mind

*Choose the options that give the meaning of the capitalized word: she was DIFFIDENT about stating her opinion

*Choose the options that give the meaning of capitalized word :the pastor of the blue roofed church is quite CHARISMATIC

*One important way of increasing your vocabulary is to
Answer:Read intensively and extensively

*Your comprehension rate in a study type reading should be about
Answer :80 a?? 90%

*Listening comprehension as it relates to information retrieval from data figure diagrams and tables tend to be ---to academic purpose
Answer:More specific and directed

*To be effective in your life it's is recommended that you
Answer interpret evaluate and critically analyse all reading material

*Choose the options that give the meaning of the the Capitalized word : Dr goladima is a gentleman and URBANE host of elegant dinner parties

*It is recommended that in a show study type reading you should read at least --words per minute
Answer :200 a?? 300%

*The slowest type of reading is usually done
Answer :when you read in a study type manner

*According to what you have studied the first stage in reading for interpretation is
Answer reading and understanding the passage very well

*Choose the options that give the meaning of the Capitalized word: capital lawyers with business ACUMEN are valuable to any firm

*For a poor reader to achieve a comprehensive rate of 800?? 90%, the study speed may as low
Answer :60 a?? 125 words/min


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