E-Exam Timetable: Easier way to Search Date on a Particular course code

E-Exam Timetable: Easier way to Search Date on a Particular course code

Sometime is streeful to search your timetable searching for a particular course code that you will be taking on a particular date. Because all the courses code are compromised on the timetable with deference faculty.

So with this simple method it's will be easier for you to get it's done quickly

Firstly: you will be needing this App's "WPS Office" or PDF Reader on your smartphone. 

Then Download Timetable here

After you have successfully download the timetable then open its with any of does Apps

Then looked to bottom, there are categories optional then click on "View" then again click on "Find" 

From here type on the course code e.g GST102 Or any other courses you are searching for.

Click search automatically it's will displayed a symbol underlining the course code, then now you can easily Navigate trough and look on Time Date and Month when you will taking that particular course  


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